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TubeFest is a pitch-free video marketing conference in the UK for business owners, entrepreneurs, and content creators who want to utilise video marketing effectively within their businesses.

Tubefest is being held in Birmingham, UK on the 23rd May 2024, although virtual tickets are available.

Tubefest Format

TubeFest is a one-day festival with two tracks tailored to the video marketing interests of attendees.

Creator TrackĀ 

Aimed at content creators, focusing on topics like growing subscribers, leveraging short-form video, community building, and integrating AI in content creation.

Business Track

Tailored for business owners and marketers, focusing on using YouTube for B2B lead generation, closing deals, enhancing paid ad performance, and strategic use of YouTube in marketing.

TubeFest Speakers

The TubeFest 24 speakers are experts who have achieved significant success in their fields. Topics range from YouTube SEO and building a video membership business to advanced content creation and marketing strategies.

Andrew and Pete – Building a community your clients love and cannot wait to recommend

Justin Evans – From failed vlogger to 2+ Million subscribers and a billion views

Sam Bearfoot – How to gain 100k followers in a year using short-form video

Dorient Morin Van Dam – How a weekly live stream show will boost your business growth

Nick Nimmin – Future-Proof your success in a rapidly evolving industry

Craig Campbell – Youtube SEO, leveraging rankings to grow your audience and revenue

Robert Balasabas – Diversify your creator revenue with a membership

Austin Armstrong – How using AI can explode your YouTube channel

Louise Brogan – How we use YouTube as a B2B lead generation pipeling

Robin Waite – How to close bigger deals

Christina Jones – Catapult your paid ad performance with video

Matt Hughes – YouTube at the centre of your marketing strategy

Ian Gray – The confident creator: Integrating Ai in video for Authentic communications

Tubefest Tickets

At TubeFest 2024, your ticket, you can attend in person or virtually and you get access to the recordings.

Your ticket includes a bonus feature of monthly virtual sessions, providing ongoing opportunities for learning and networking beyond the event.

Ticket Information